Not much to say. No real new news here, other than requests for help on a cool project, and that Things Are Moving Forward, however slowly. Congrats to Fenris on an official title.

Date:  Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:57:18 -0600
From:  Allen Divers (
To:  Rage Yahoo (
Subject:  [Rage] Database and Other tidbits

    Hi All,

    My apologies for not being more active on the list.  I thought I would hop
    on and say a few things about current happenings.

    Happening number 1, If I hadn't said this before, I would like to say now
    that Fenris Lorsrai will be acting as the official lore keeper for Rage:
    Apocalypse and Rage: Tribal War.  It is her task to help chronicle the tales
    of the Garou as well as organize the other lore keepers.

    Happening number 2, We've begun development on a database system to help
    track player information, tournament director information and tournament
    dates.  We are building a full fledged database system to automate many of
    the tasks involved with maintenance and also the fact it will be searchable
    with standard queries or via a java applet.  Anyone with Database experience
    that would like to help out with this project, please let me know.

    Happening number 3, talks continue with our potential backers.  They are
    currently going over our latest proposal for a release schedule for new
    sets.  I don't want to talk about what exactly those plans are, just because

    they may change a bit as we continue.

    Happening number 4, nothing new on the Garou Nation front.  We are trying to
    secure a separate source of finance this project to avoid getting it tied up
    with the printing of new sets.  We are looking at different schemes, and
    trying to come up with the best plan to alert old members of the Garou
    Nation for both versions of the game.

    Happening number 5, nothing new on the Vegas Edition.  We are still
    pestering Wizards of the Coast to get those cards.  By our agreement with
    White Wolf, those should be coming to us as soon as possible, but knowing
    the hierarchy of things, I'm sure it is a very low priority at the offices
    of WotC.

    The last happening is another side project.  It is basically the development
    of a java server to allow players to communicate with each other online.
    The overall goal with that project is to provide a system that would also
    allow people to play games online as well as play role-playing games.  We're
    hoping to reach a point where we can tie that system into our database

    Well, that's about it for now.  If you have any questions, I'll do the best
    to answer them.  thanks!

    Allen Divers
    CEO, Azrael-Productions
    Editor-In-Chief, Azrael-Online

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