Many rumors have abounded about this product. For the most part, Ethan Skemp, the head honcho for Werewolf: the Apocalypse at White Wolf, has been evasive. I'll let him speak for himself, starting off with some reactions to the latest rumors of Revised on the Werewolf mailing list, finishing with his announcement: Werewolf Revised is scheduled for a December 2000 release.

    Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 14:26:12 -0500
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Re: Rev?
    >From: Chris Campbell 
    >Subject: Re: Rev?
    >Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2000, 10:17 AM

    > At 12:00 PM 3/31/00 -0500, you wrote:
    >>Yeah it just really surprised me that WtA 3 would be out this year, so
    >>that's why I was doubtful that it was true. Also as Ethan has said he
    >>wouldn't be making a rev unless he was told to or felt enough things could
    >>be added or fixed that would make buying it worth the price.
    > Well, I'm pretty sure that even if it happens because the powers that be
    > demanded it, Ethan will make it worth our while, just on GP.

    I wouldn't be much of a Werewolf developer if I didn't. I'll admit to
    salivating over the idea of a Limited Edition with artbook, as well as all
    the top-notch art we'd get for the rules (mmmm...elaborate tribal
    fullpages...slobber), but art alone is no excuse for a revision.

    >>To be honest I'm not eager for a WtM rev. Most of the changes I'm not real
    >>fond of and wouldn't use anyway. And while it would be nice to see certain
    >>things in print, like gift fixes, if you need a mirror to leave the Umbra,
    >>and have it clearly say you can't split rage actions, ect. I would most
    >>likely disagree with some of the fixes since I already made up my own
    >>houserules about them. So while I may buy WtA rev whenever it does come out
    >>I doubt I will have much use for it.
    > That's pretty much my feeling on it as well.  But, OTOH, I can't imagine
    > going to all that trouble just for a few gift fixes and such; if a Revised
    > does come down the pike, Ethan will surprise us somehow.  That's his job,
    > after all.

    Trust me, should a Revised edition become necessary for reasons of
    compatibility, rules fixes, metaplot advancement or all of the above, I
    promise you that it will sell itself.

    Of course, I'm also the guy who's gonna snap D&D 3e up pretty damn quickly
    and start incorporating the rules changes I like within a matter of hours,
    so there you have it. I *like* change, so long as it's for the *better*.

    Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 10:48:07 -0400
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Re: Rev?
    >From: Ian Watson 
    >Subject: Re: Rev?
    >Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2000, 7:53 PM

    >> What's that on about Werewolf: The Apocalypse Revised
    >> Edition, which releases in December, 2000? I would have thought it would
    >> have taken until next year to redo that. So the new Players handbook would
    >> be out in January? Also everything made this year for WtA will be outdated
    >> by December? Or was that post mistaken?
    >     It was mistaken (as you can surmise from the other mail on the list to
    > that effect).

    Yeah. Werewolf Rev by December *and* a new Players Guide by spring?
    Impossible. Unless they want to wheel my dehydrated carcass out of the
    office once it's done and institute a new head honcho.

    >     I heard that the rumor originated with the "Something Else" ads,
    > were touted by the company that does the (German?) translations for WW as
    > Werewolf Revised.  And of course, "inside" rumors spreading as they
    > everyone started claiming WereRev was coming this year.

    I have no idea where this one came from. Shame, really. I'd like to grab him
    by the collar and shake him around a lot, growling "Don't *do* that! It
    scares people!"

    >     If it doesn't come straight from White Wolf (or in this case, Ethan)
    > then I wouldn't believe it.

    Which is pretty much the way to go. Sometimes you *do* hear things that are
    accurate, but it's a mistake to rely on that information.

    For instance, let's say I *am* planning Werewolf Revised for December. Now,
    this far away from a release date, the schedule can still change. It might
    be possible that it gets bumped back to summer of 2001, right? Very easily.
    I can think of many projects that have been bumped back as much as a year,
    for various reasons.

    But if we *announce* it so far in advance, if it gets pushed back, we
    suffer. We look like goofs for not being able to bring it out on time (which
    might not be any fault of our own), and we suffer major hits to sales
    because everyone's so convinced that books like Guardians of the Caerns
    won't be compatible with Revised Edition Werewolf, and that it'll eventually
    get revised. (Yeah, right.)

    This is why you shouldn't take anything for granted until you see it from
    the horse's mouth; we don't want to disappoint you with premature
    statements. After all, there are now people going around claiming that
    there'll never be a Rokea book because they don't see it on our schedule --
    and that's ridiculous. I've got an author on it As We Speak.

    >     Ethan: When are you going to make an appearance in the chat rooms?
    > Turned out nicely for Justin, Jess and Kraig, to my knowledge.  (:

    Sometime this week, if Chris has his way.

    Ethan Skemp

    Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 16:59:14 -0400
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Re: Rev?
    >From: André Ribeiro 
    >Subject: Re: Rev?
    >Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2000, 4:14 PM

    > Ethan Skemp wrote:
    >> >     Be ready for a whole chat of WWRev quetions... : ))
    >> I should hope I'd only have to answer one.   ;)
    >     Heh...people get anxious, don't they??

    They sure do.

    >     Jesus, Mage LARP was declared officially impossible to do - and it's being
    > released... We all know there *is* going to be a WWRev - and if you, Ethan, is
    > holding it, you have good reasons... Maybe some change is on the way - it's
    > damn better to release WWRev only after that, right?? Or maybe it's realy just
    > a schedulle thing...

    The thing is, a Werewolf Rev is apparently no longer something that "could
    only happen in the distant future" -- it's something that *could* happen,
    and as such, I'm forbidden by policy to talk about it (because our plans
    change, and we would like to have as much settled, if not set in stone, as
    possible before we make any promises). So I'm afraid at this point I can't
    say "no" for fear that the answer will become "yes," and I can't
    say "yes"
    for fear that the answer will become "no", and I certainly can't comment on
    a schedule, even tentatively (because those change a *lot*). We don't want
    to make any promises we can't deliver on; those are bad for the company.

    Sorry to be unhelpful, but such is the nature of publishing.

    >     It doesn't matter really... We, who play, are already changing the system
    > (I'm playing everything Revised, from Vampire to Changeling - damage and
    > and those who didn't like it won't even after WWRev. So, why bother? : )

    Limited Edition art book. That's how *I'd* keep my sanity. I'd just keep
    muttering to myself about beautiful fullpages and the possibility of
    two-page spreads and so on...   ;)

    And this is from someone who doesn't *want* to develop another main
    rulebook. Being in close proximity to artists and their work has spoiled me

    >     Let's fill the chat up with White Howlers questions insttead.. : ))

    Again, I think only one answer would be necessary to close *that* window.

    Ethan Skemp

    Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 11:35:32 -0400
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Re: Rev?
    >From: patrick burke 
    >Subject: Re: Rev?
    >Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2000, 5:25 PM

    >       So basically what you ARE saying is that WWRev has moved into the
    > "serious consideration " stage, and you guys have to evaluate the
    > as to feasibility,
    > and timing. Cool. Do you feel that all the rumors and fan reaction have
    > pushed things along a little? Oh you can put me down as one of the YES
    > votes.

    I think that it's been pretty encouraging that so far, a majority of fans
    seem to trust me to handle it well. Sure, there've been votes by people who
    don't want to see it Revised, but I think it's gratifying that plenty of
    people look forward to it. Management's seen this as a good sign, too.

    I... I just appreciate all the faith everyone's shown... (sniffle)     :)

    Ethan Skemp

    Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 10:35:52 -0400
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Re: Rev? WHAT! What?
    >From: Mike Shannon 
    >Subject: Re: Rev? WHAT! What?
    >Date: Wed, Apr 5, 2000, 10:33 PM

    > I agree with that a new ST book would be great. On the other hand WtA will
    > sooner or later have to get a rev slapped on it or new gamers might think it
    > is outdated or something. Even though I agree that it is great the way it is
    > and doesn't need a rev.

    Oddly enough, this is *remarkably* true. I'm consistently getting questions
    from new gamers wondering where their Werewolf Revised is, and wondering if
    Werewolf is cancelled or something. "Is that why we're not getting a
    Revised? Doesn't White Wolf love us any more? Help!"

    There's no denying that the trick of any Revised edition is managing to draw
    in and assist new gamers while not "cheating" long-timers. As I understand
    it, many people feel MageRev fell down on the latter point. However, as I'm
    seeing it, it's becoming harder to accomplish the former trick *without* a
    Revised Edition.

    Tricky conundrum, as you can see. The game line needs to grow; that's just
    plain business sense. Yet we don't need to alienate too many old-timers.
    It's the sort of thing that makes me really think hard about what's best for
    the line. (Like the final decision would actually be made by *me*, that is.)

    Ethan Skemp
    Who, by the by, actually *likes* the new direction of Mage, being one of
    those heretics who finds Star Trek voidships, Umbral sex-fantasy realms and
    benevolent supermagi patting the PCs on the head not very World of Darkness
    at all

    Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 16:21:42 -0400
    From: Ethan Skemp (alphaethan@WHITE-WOLF.COM)
    To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
    Subject: Werewolf Revised

    Heads up, folks. This isn't a little email.

    As of tomorrow, White Wolf is going to announce that yes, indeed, there's
    going to be a Werewolf Revised Edition, with all the bells and whistles. I
    think it's only fair, though, that I let the lot of you know from the
    horse's mouth beforehand -- if for no other reason than the fact that you
    folks on the list have been continually damn supportive of me and my
    efforts, and I really appreciate it.

    Now. I'm going to have to answer a lot of questions about this at the site
    chat tomorrow, so don't expect me to answer all the questions you pose to
    the list; I'd rather not repeat myself too many times. There's also the
    matter of some confidentiality, too; there are some changes I'm not going to
    discuss, because they're foreshadowed in other books that haven't been
    released, and it's still early enough that they might change back as well.

    Also, you might want to hold off on discussing this in more public forums
    like the newsgroups for just a day; the formal announcement will come
    tomorrow morning, and until then, anything you post will look like hearsay.
    Please, wait until the formal announcement to start talking about it at; I'm sure you'll have plenty to say here.

    That said, there are some things I know I'll need to address.

    First off, some of you are probably feeling that I lied to you. I hope not,
    but I'm realistic. I've maintained all along that I didn't particularly
    *want* to do this in the same way that Rob wanted to do Vampire Revised.
    I've also maintained that I must abide by the rules of confidentiality,
    because if we make promises too early and then the schedule forces us to go
    back on our word, people hate us. We'd rather make promises when we're
    ready. At no point have I ever said it wouldn't happen; I've said that I
    can't do it by December *and* revise a players guide, which is true. If
    anyone feels betrayed, I'm sorry; but I hope you can live with the decision.

    All right. Next up is the question of "What's changing, and how severely is
    it changing?" For obvious reasons, I can't answer everything here.

    Metaplot: There are a couple of changes to take into account the shifting
    landscape -- the coming of the red star, the ascendancy of the Weaver's role
    as antagonist as well as ally -- and we'll address those. There's also
    something else, fairly big, coming that will probably make plenty of sense
    to some people. I can't say anything more than that other than (a) a tribe
    is *not* falling, (b) a Lost Tribe is *not* returning, and (c) it will
    provide plot hooks aplenty for long-running chronicles *if they choose to
    implement it* without invalidating existing character concepts or confusing
    newcomers. All I can say is that it's an interesting shakeup, and in some
    ways far from a good sign (certainly by some perspectives another sign of
    the impending Apocalypse), but probably not as bad as you fear.

    Rules: Well, we're going to the Revised rules system, obviously. We're still
    testing how combat works with the new system, and we'll make any necessary
    adjustments to keep the Warriors of Gaia from being overmuch weakened.
    Expect to seem some interesting tweaks here and there throughout the system,
    and more suggestions for optional ways of doing things. And fewer charts.

    The Merits and Flaws will not be going in the core rulebook, though. They
    remain optional, and there isn't room for them *and* the more vital stuff
    like Umbral rules, a hefty antagonists chapter, and all the usual things you
    need to properly define the world of Werewolf.

    I would also like to point out that upcoming releases like Croatan Song and
    A World of Rage will hardly be invalidated by Werewolf: Revised; I've known
    about WRev's inevitability for some time, and have been planning
    accordingly. This is also why Rokea, Nagah, Book of the Wyld and Umbra
    Revised will be coming after the Revised rules; as rules-heavy books, we'll
    be getting them fully compatible with the new rules.


    At this point, I want to stress that rather than hating working on this
    book, I'm actually enjoying it. Quite a bit. I've been handed fresh new
    suggestions at every point that excite me; suggestions of how to reduce
    bookkeeping and streamline the game. The fiction I've seen has been
    similarly exciting, giving people multiple visions of the world of Werewolf
    from many perspectives -- the lupus, the metis, the human who doesn't know
    what a Garou is, the shaman, the warrior, and so on. The rules are evolving
    into something sharper without causing many compatibility problems; the flow
    of the book is similarly great. The writers have been a joy to work with;
    and of course Production's looking at this as an opportunity to make
    Werewolf look *so* damn good.

    And the art... oh boy. I have a copy of one of the fullpages (yes, we're
    getting them done early) up on my wall for inspiration. I was dancing
    happily when Spencer's sketches came in. The artists we're lining up are
    super-excited to work on this book, and the art we're getting done early has
    reflected their enthusiasm.

    To be honest, I'm of course dreading releasing this book; because it's
    become a real labor of love, and I know some people are going to hate it.
    But that's gonna happen, I guess. The book's a long way from done, but by
    the time it leaves for the printers, I get the feeling I'm going to be
    awfully proud of it. I hope that you enjoy what we've cooked up.

    There. Now I've said it. Lynch me up if you must, but at least skim a copy
    come December before you show up in Clarkston with rope and torches.

    And as always, thanks for your support (and criticism). I wouldn't still be
    doing this job if I didn't know that there were people out there who
    *really* appreciate Werewolf. You guys help keep me going, and that's a tall

    Ethan Skemp

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